Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year, New Blog

   Ok, so if anyone sees the one post before this one then they know I haven't kept up on that promise very well.  In a nutshell, Kenny deployed, Neely has been sick (H1N1, double ear infections, RSV, double ear infections), and I have been focused on keeping my head above water.  I think I am back on stable ground for the minute.  Neely is healthy for the first time in months.  I have survived my first few snow dumps here in upstate New York.  My house is not a battlefield of toys, laundry, dishes, and miscellaneous stuff that needs to be put away.  I am going to keep this short so I can get to bed as it is my first night back to being on my own after my family left to go back home to California.  Plus my girl is off and walking now, so I need to be rested!
   This is just a shortlist of resolutions I wanted to make this year.  Some are things that I truly feel are not resolutions, but things I should resolve to do everyday.  Some are mundane things, and some are things I would like to accomplish this coming year.  I have never been very big on New Years Resolutions, but have felt more motivated to live life a bit differently in the coming year.  I think it has a lot to do with my little girl and the effect I have on her world.  At least that is the realization I am coming to.

Ok here they are (no laughing please)
1.  Drink less soda and more water.  I am sure I will feel better if I make this switch.  Although I drink diet, I know I should be hydrating properly, and I want to set a good example for Neely.
2.  Floss more.  I always go on spurts, but seem to get lazy.  Good for me, and good to teach Neely.
3.  Go to bed earlier on a regular basis.  I always feel better when I do.
4.  Read more.  I love to read, but don't as much now that I have Neely.  Less tv would give me more book time and probably more sleep.  Plus I got a Nook for Chirstmas!
5.  Write on this blog at least once a week.  Enough said.
6.  Keep up with my housework.  So much easier to maintain than to have to clean hard. 
7.  Ensure I spend time with Kala.  It is tough with bad weather and a one year old, but she needs some one-on-one time.
8.  Enjoy my time with Neely.  Have patience when days are rough and truly love being with my girl.  I don't want the small stuff to get in my way, and I know that when we have a second baby, motherhood will be so different.  This is time with Neely that I will never get back.
9.  Show Kenny how much I truly love him.  Becoming parents has changed our lives, so I want him to know that I still love him and see him as more than just Neely's Daddy.  He is my best friend and husband.
10.  Go green!  Big time.  I will blog about this more later, but I am talking about more than recycling and energy efficient lightbulbs-a true lifestyle change.

   There you have it.  You will all have to keep me honest!  Here is to a great year ahead, and fond memories for the year just completed.